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Setting the Table
336 pages, 2008
In Setting the Table, Danny Meyer emphasizes the importance of hospitality in the restaurant business. He believes that providing exceptional service is not enough, you need to make your customers feel genuinely cared for. This is a great lesson for any business owner, not just those in the food industry.
Meyer suggests that when hiring, you should prioritize attitude over skill. He argues that you can teach someone how to do a job, but you can't teach them how to have a positive attitude. This is a valuable insight for anyone in a leadership position.
In the book, Danny Meyer encourages readers to embrace change and see it as an opportunity for growth. He shares how he has adapted his businesses over the years to stay relevant and successful. This is a great reminder for anyone feeling stuck or resistant to change.
Setting the Table explores the power of connection in business. Meyer believes that building strong relationships with your customers, employees, and community is crucial for success. This is a great book to check out if you're looking to strengthen your own connections.
Meyer stresses the importance of feedback in his book. He sees it as a tool for improvement and encourages business owners to actively seek it out. This is a great lesson for anyone looking to improve their performance and grow their business.
Quotes 2
Danny Meyer's insightful book 'Setting the Table' is a must-read for anyone interested in the intricate blend of ingenuity, creativity, and meticulous attention to detail required to create a successful restaurant.
Danny Meyer's 'Setting the Table' is a brilliant book that offers valuable lessons in hospitality and business management.
5Setting the Table found in libraries
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