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672 pages, 2003

In this book, John Gribbin tells the story of the people who made science and the turbulent times they lived in. As well as famous figures such as Copernicus, Darwin, and Einstein, there are also the obscure, the eccentric, even the mad. This diverse cast includes, among others, Andreas Vesalius—landmark 16th-century anatomist and secret grave-robber; Galileo—accused of heresy for his ideas; Newton—so competitive he wrote his rivals out of history books. There's Gregor Mendel—monk and founder of modern genetics; Louis Agassiz—whose quest to prove the existence of ice ages led him to march his colleagues up a mountain.
Understanding the Universe

John Gribbin's book 'Science' invites us to explore the mysteries of the universe. He simplifies complex scientific theories, making them accessible to everyone. You'll find yourself understanding concepts you never thought you could.

The Evolution of Science

The book takes us on a journey through the evolution of science. From the early theories of the Greeks to the cutting-edge research of the 21st century, Gribbin shows how our understanding of the world has changed over time.

The Impact of Science on Society

Gribbin also looks into how science has shaped our society. He discusses the impact of scientific discoveries on our daily lives, from the technology we use to the way we understand our health. It's a fascinating look at the role science plays in our world.

The Future of Science

What does the future hold for science? Gribbin shares his thoughts on where scientific research might lead us. It's a thought-provoking look at the potential of science to solve some of our biggest challenges.

The Importance of Scientific Literacy

Finally, the book emphasizes the importance of scientific literacy. Gribbin believes that everyone should have a basic understanding of science, as it affects so many aspects of our lives. Reading 'Science' is a great way to boost your scientific knowledge and become a more informed citizen.


Patrick Collison, entrepreneur and technology, Recommending BestBooks

Patrick Collison
