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Rilke's Book of Hours

166 pages, 1997

In 1900, a young German poet traveled to Russia, where he felt a deep connection to the spirituality that he found there. He returned home and wrote several poems about his spiritual journey—but didn't share these poems with anyone for a long time; he considered them sacred and unlike anything else he had ever written or would ever write. This poet was Rainer Maria Rilke; years later, these poems were published in English as the Book of Hours.
Exploring the Inner Self

Rainer Maria Rilke's Book of Hours encourages readers to explore their inner self. He suggests that self-discovery is a journey that can lead to profound understanding and personal growth. So, take a look into your own soul and see what you find.

The Power of Solitude

Rilke emphasizes the importance of solitude in personal growth. He believes that spending time alone allows us to better understand ourselves and our place in the world. So, don't be afraid to take some time for yourself and reflect.

Embracing Life's Challenges

Life isn't always easy, and Rilke's Book of Hours acknowledges this. He encourages readers to embrace life's challenges as opportunities for growth. So, next time you face a challenge, see it as a chance to learn and grow.

The Beauty of Nature

Rilke's love for nature is evident in his Book of Hours. He sees nature as a source of inspiration and a way to connect with the divine. So, why not take a walk in the park or spend some time in your garden and see what inspiration you can find?

The Importance of Love

Love is a central theme in Rilke's Book of Hours. He believes that love is a powerful force that can transform us and the world around us. So, don't be afraid to open your heart and let love in.


Quotes 3

Rilke's Book of Hours is a profound exploration of the divine and the human, a journey into the depths of the soul that is both exhilarating and humbling.

Anita BarrowsAnita Barrows - Poet, Translator

Rilke's Book of Hours is a testament to the power of language to transcend the limitations of our human experience and touch the divine.

Joanna MacyJoanna Macy - Environmental Activist

Rilke's Book of Hours is a masterwork of spiritual literature, a profound meditation on the nature of existence and the divine.

Robert HassRobert Hass - Poet, Essayist
Anita BarrowsJoanna MacyRobert Hass


authorKrista Tippett, journalist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Krista Tippett
