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Right Turn



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economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books
The 1984 election was one of the most important elections in American history. It marked an end to Democratic Party dominance and the rise of a business-oriented political coalition in the Republican Party.
Understanding the Political Shift

Right Turn by Thomas Ferguson explores the significant political shift in America during the late 20th century. He digs into the reasons behind the rise of conservatism, providing a detailed analysis of the political and economic factors that led to this change.

Role of Big Business

Ferguson takes a close look at the role of big business in shaping American politics. He argues that the rise of conservatism was largely driven by the interests of big corporations, which used their financial power to influence policy and public opinion.

Impact of Economic Policies

The book also delves into the impact of economic policies on the political landscape. Ferguson suggests that the shift to the right was a response to the economic challenges of the time, including inflation, unemployment, and the oil crisis.

Media Influence

Thomas Ferguson also explores the role of the media in shaping public opinion. He suggests that the media played a crucial role in promoting conservative ideas and values, contributing to the rightward shift in American politics.

Lessons for Today

Right Turn is not just a historical analysis, but also a guide for understanding current political trends. By researching the past, we can better understand the forces that shape our present and future. So, if you're interested in politics, this book is a must-read.


authorNoam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky


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