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352 pages, 2019
In Queenie, Candice Carty-Williams invites us to explore the journey of a young black woman navigating her identity and self-worth in a world that often undermines both. It's a powerful reminder to value ourselves and our mental health.
Queenie's relationships, both romantic and platonic, are a central theme in the book. It's a great opportunity to look into the dynamics of healthy and unhealthy relationships and understand their impact on our lives.
Carty-Williams doesn't shy away from addressing racial and cultural issues in Queenie. She highlights the struggles of being a black woman in a predominantly white society, encouraging us to research and understand these challenges better.
Queenie's mental health journey is a key part of the book. It's a call to action for us to take our mental health seriously, seek help when needed, and support those around us who may be struggling.
Throughout the book, Queenie embarks on a journey of self-discovery. It's a chance for us to see the importance of understanding ourselves, our needs, and our desires, and to find the courage to make changes in our lives.
Quotes 5
Queenie is a novel of our time, filled with wit and heart. Candice Carty-Williams is a phenomenal talent.
Queenie is a compelling, raw, and humorous look at the life of a modern black woman.
Queenie is a book of such depth, humor, and painful truth. It's a story about identity, independence, and carving your own path.
Queenie is a fresh, honest, and timely exploration of what it means to be a young woman today.
Queenie is a book that is as entertaining as it is enlightening. It's a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the complexities of modern womanhood.