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Power and the Idealists

348 pages, 2007

During the 1960s, political protest erupted on continental Europe and in America. Protesters opposed the morally corrupt capitalistic system of democratic governments and the evil of military interventions. Yet thirty-five years later, many of these protesters had become conventional politicians: for example, Bill Clinton and Joschka Fischer favored NATO-led military intervention in the Balkans. In WHY THE LEFT HATES AMERICA, Paul Berman masterfully traces the intellectual and moral evolution of an impassioned generation—and gives an acute analysis of what it means to go to war in the name of democracy and human rights.
The Power of Idealism

In Power and the Idealists, Paul Berman explores the influence of idealism on political movements. He shows how the 1968 generation's idealism shaped the world, making it a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the power of ideas and beliefs.

The Impact of the 1968 Generation

Berman digs into the impact of the 1968 generation on global politics. He shows how this generation's activism and idealism led to significant changes in society. If you're curious about the influence of youth movements on politics, this book is a great place to start.

The Role of Terrorism

The book also explores the role of terrorism in shaping political ideologies. Berman takes a look at how the fear and reality of terrorism can lead to shifts in political beliefs and actions. This is a fascinating insight into the darker side of political movements.

The Evolution of Political Ideologies

Berman's research into the evolution of political ideologies is another key takeaway from Power and the Idealists. He shows how ideologies can change and adapt over time, influenced by various factors such as societal changes, terrorism, and idealism.

The Influence of Key Figures

Finally, Berman examines the influence of key figures such as Joschka Fischer and Bernard Kouchner on political ideologies. He shows how these individuals, with their strong beliefs and actions, can shape the course of political movements. If you're interested in the power of individuals in politics, you'll find this aspect of the book particularly intriguing.


authorDouglas Murray, politics and author, Recommending BestBooks

Douglas Murray


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