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Positive Discipline
384 pages, 2006
Jane Nelsen introduces the concept of Positive Discipline, which is all about treating children with respect and understanding. It's not about punishment, but about teaching kids to become responsible, respectful, and resourceful members of their communities.
Nelsen emphasizes the power of encouragement over praise. While praise focuses on the outcome, encouragement focuses on the effort and improvement, fostering a growth mindset in children. It's a great way to motivate kids to keep trying and learning.
In Positive Discipline, Nelsen explains that mistakes are not failures but opportunities for learning. She encourages parents and teachers to allow children to make mistakes and help them learn from these experiences.
Nelsen believes that all children have two basic needs - to belong and to feel significant. She suggests that when these needs are met, children are less likely to misbehave. So, it's important to create an environment where children feel valued and important.
The book also explores the importance of mutual respect in discipline. Nelsen argues that when children are treated with respect, they learn to treat others the same way. This approach helps to build a positive relationship between parents and children.
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