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Poor Numbers

208 pages, 2013

A booming sub-Saharan economy. Of course, this isn’t a phrase most people associate with an area of the world where rampant poverty and underdevelopment are the norm. One thing I came to learn about African economic development during my time at the World Bank was that, despite the fact that almost every country in sub-Saharan Africa is experiencing economic growth, it is nearly impossible to get accurate data on this phenomenon. This overwhelming lack of reliable statistics might lead you to believe that leaders in developing countries don’t have the tools necessary to make sound policy decisions. The good news is that Morten Jerven’s book Rich Numbers: How to Use Evidence From Household Surveys and Other Solid Data to Make Development Policy—which won him a prestigious Deutsche Bank Award—has all the information they need to make these decisions based on actual numbers rather than guesswork.
The Unreliability of African Economic Data

In Poor Numbers, Morten Jerven explores the unreliability of economic data in African countries. He argues that the data is often flawed, incomplete, or entirely absent, making it difficult to make accurate economic assessments or predictions.

The Impact of Poor Data on Policy Making

Jerven digs into how the lack of reliable data can negatively impact policy making. Without accurate information, governments and international organizations can't make informed decisions, which can lead to ineffective or even harmful policies.

The Need for Better Data Collection Methods

The book highlights the urgent need for better data collection methods in Africa. Jerven suggests that improving these methods can lead to more accurate economic assessments and better policy decisions.

The Role of International Organizations

Poor Numbers also looks into the role of international organizations in the data collection process. Jerven finds that these organizations often rely on flawed data, which can lead to misguided interventions and strategies.

The Importance of Context in Data Interpretation

Finally, the book emphasizes the importance of context in interpreting economic data. Jerven argues that without understanding the local context, data can be misinterpreted, leading to incorrect conclusions and strategies.

Quotes 4

Poor Numbers is a groundbreaking book that provides a fresh perspective on Africa's development narrative. It's a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the continent's economic trajectory.

Bill GatesBill Gates - Microsoft Co-founder

Poor Numbers is a fascinating exploration of the political economy of statistics in Africa. It's a vital contribution to the field.

Charles KennyCharles Kenny - Economist, Author

Poor Numbers is a compelling and insightful book that challenges our understanding of Africa's economic data. It's a must-read for policymakers and economists alike.

Dambisa MoyoDambisa Moyo - Global Economist

Poor Numbers is a game-changer. It's a powerful critique of how we measure economic progress in Africa.

Paul CollierPaul Collier - Development Economist
Bill GatesCharles KennyDambisa MoyoPaul Collier


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