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Point Counter Point

432 pages, 1996


Huxley's lifelong obsession with the dichotomy between passion and reason finds its fullest expression both thematically and formally in his masterpiece Point Counter Point.

By presenting a vision of life in which diverse aspects of experience are observed simultaneously, Huxley characterizes the symptoms of the disease of the modern man in a manner that is both critical of and sympathetic toward his characters—themes and characters are repeated, altered slightly, and played off one another in a tone that is at once witty and critical.

First published in 1928, Huxley's satirical view of intellectual life in the 20s is populated with characters based on such celebrities as D. H. Lawrence, Katherine Mansfield, Nancy Cunard, and John Middleton Murry.

Exploration of Human Nature

Aldous Huxley takes us on a journey to explore the complexities of human nature in Point Counter Point. He presents a variety of characters, each with their own unique traits and flaws, allowing us to see the diversity of human behavior and emotions.

Insight into Society and Class

In Point Counter Point, Huxley provides a deep insight into the societal and class structures of his time. He uses his characters to represent different social classes and their struggles, giving us a chance to understand the societal norms and pressures of the era.

The Power of Dialogue

Huxley's use of dialogue in Point Counter Point is a powerful tool for character development and plot progression. It's through these conversations that we get to know the characters and their perspectives, making the story more engaging and relatable.

Exploration of Philosophical Themes

Point Counter Point isn't just a novel, it's a philosophical exploration. Huxley uses his characters to discuss and debate various philosophical ideas, encouraging us as readers to question and think about our own beliefs and values.

The Art of Storytelling

Huxley's storytelling in Point Counter Point is truly masterful. He weaves together multiple plotlines and characters, creating a rich and complex narrative that keeps us hooked from start to finish. If you're looking to improve your understanding of storytelling, this book is a must-read.


authorJordan Peterson, educator and media personality and scientist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Jordan Peterson

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