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Play Dreams & Imitation in Childhood

308 pages, 1962

Piaget's work may not be a cornerstone in development; his writing is long, laborious, and full of jargon. He takes six pages to tell us that a 2-month-old exhibits imitation behaviors. His writings may lack detail, but he did provide some good quotes: Case study gold, quoted as fact as if he had done something more significant than watch his children and write down their behavior. No experimentally designed trials here—Piaget was clearly observing his kids.
Understanding Child Development

In 'Play Dreams & Imitation in Childhood', Jean Piaget explores the fascinating world of child development. He provides a deep insight into how children learn and grow through play, dreams, and imitation. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the intricate processes of child development.

Importance of Play

Piaget emphasizes the importance of play in a child's life. He suggests that play is not just a form of entertainment, but a crucial part of a child's cognitive development. So, next time you see a child playing, remember they are actually learning and developing crucial skills.

Role of Dreams

Dreams play a significant role in a child's life, according to Piaget. He believes that dreams are a reflection of a child's thoughts and experiences, and they can provide valuable insights into their emotional state and cognitive development. So, don't dismiss your child's dreams as mere fantasies, they might be telling you more than you think.

Power of Imitation

Imitation is a powerful learning tool for children. Piaget explains that children learn a lot by imitating adults and their peers. This is how they learn social norms, behaviors, and skills. So, be mindful of your actions around children, they are likely to imitate what they see.

Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development

In 'Play Dreams & Imitation in Childhood', Piaget presents his theory of cognitive development. He suggests that children go through different stages of cognitive development, each characterized by different ways of thinking and understanding the world. This book is a great resource to dig into if you want to understand more about Piaget's influential theory.


authorJordan Peterson, educator and media personality and scientist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Jordan Peterson

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