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Newsweek called Paul Krugman a superstar of economics, and Peddling Prosperity the best primer on recent U. S. history. More praise followed. This wonderful book finds him in top form, looking back twenty years to what he calls The Age of Diminished Expectations--a time when economic promise was never fulfilled. In the past two decades, rival economic schools have vied to gain political influence, but strange things happen on the way to power: ideas are hijacked by policy entrepreneurs--snake-oil salesmen right or left who promise easy answers to hard problems. Supply-siders rose with Ronald Reagan and left behind a $3 trillion debt. Krugman observes an unhappy parallel in those who shape policy within the Clinton administration.
The Importance of a Healthy Work Environment

Tom DeMarco emphasizes the significance of a comfortable and productive work environment. He suggests that a noisy, crowded, or stressful environment can hinder productivity. So, take a look at your workspace. Is it conducive to focus and creativity? If not, it might be time to make some changes.

People Over Process

DeMarco argues that people and their interactions are more important than processes and tools. He believes that a team's success is largely dependent on its members' ability to work together effectively. So, don't just focus on the process, but also on the people involved.

The Role of Managers

In Peopleware, DeMarco explores the role of managers in a team. He suggests that managers should act as facilitators, helping their team members to do their best work, rather than acting as taskmasters. So, if you're a manager, consider how you can better support your team.

The Myth of Overtime

DeMarco challenges the common belief that working longer hours leads to more productivity. He argues that this can actually lead to burnout and decreased productivity in the long run. So, instead of pushing for overtime, find ways to work smarter, not harder.

The Power of Jelled Teams

A 'jelled' team, as DeMarco describes it, is a group of people who have become so cohesive that they function as a single unit. These teams are highly productive and often produce exceptional results. So, take a look at your team. Are you working together seamlessly, or are there areas where you could improve your cohesion?

Quotes 5

Peopleware is a deep dive into the human aspect of software development. It's a must-read for anyone in the industry.

Bill GatesBill Gates - Microsoft Co-founder

Peopleware is a timeless classic that explores the sociology of software development. It's a book that every developer should read.

Jeff AtwoodJeff Atwood - Stack Overflow Co-founder

Peopleware is a seminal work that examines the human side of software development. It's a book that has greatly influenced my thinking.

Martin FowlerMartin Fowler - Software Development Guru

Peopleware is a profound exploration of the human dynamics in software development. It's a book that has shaped my approach to managing teams.

Joel SpolskyJoel Spolsky - Software Engineer, Writer

Peopleware is a groundbreaking book that delves into the human factors in software development. It's a book that has had a significant impact on my work.

Kent BeckKent Beck - Extreme Programming Pioneer
Bill GatesJeff AtwoodMartin FowlerJoel SpolskyKent Beck


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