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128 pages, 2016

Dan Ariely's new book, Payoff, looks at motivation in new ways--showing that the subject is far more complex than we ever imagined. Every day we work hard to motivate ourselves, the people we live with, the people who work for and do business with us. In this way, much of what we do can be defined as being motivators. From the boardroom to the living room, our role as motivators is complex, and the more we try to motivate partners and children, friends and coworkers, the clearer it becomes that the story of motivation is far more intricate and fascinating than we've assumed.
The True Meaning of Motivation

In Payoff, Dan Ariely explores the concept of motivation, arguing that it's not just about money. He suggests that we are driven by a deep desire for meaning, purpose, and a sense of accomplishment. So, if you're looking to motivate yourself or others, it's worth considering these factors.

The Power of Acknowledgement

Ariely's research in Payoff shows that acknowledgement can be a powerful motivator. He found that people are more likely to work hard when their efforts are recognized. So, next time you see someone doing a good job, don't hesitate to give them a pat on the back.

The Impact of Short-Term Goals

Payoff also highlights the importance of setting short-term goals. Ariely argues that these can provide immediate gratification, which can be a powerful motivator. So, if you're struggling to stay motivated, try breaking your tasks down into smaller, more manageable goals.

The Role of Emotions in Decision Making

In Payoff, Ariely digs into the role emotions play in our decision-making processes. He suggests that our emotions can often lead us to make irrational decisions. So, it's worth taking a moment to check in with your emotions before making big decisions.

The Importance of Trust

Trust is a key theme in Payoff. Ariely argues that trust is crucial for successful relationships, both personal and professional. He suggests that building and maintaining trust can lead to greater satisfaction and productivity. So, take some time to nurture the trust in your relationships.


Alfred Lin, entrepreneur and technology and venture capitalist, Recommending BestBooks

Alfred Lin

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