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352 pages, 2017

Why do so many original ideas go unrecognized, while copies and knockoffs succeed? In this practical, inspiring book, Malcolm Gladwell takes us on an intellectual journey through the world of “outliers”—the best and the brightest, the most famous and the most successful. He asks: what makes high-achievers different? Drawing on stories from Steve Jobs to Einstein, he shows that greatness is not born, but rather cultivated by a dedication to deliberate practice and risk-taking. This book is an essential read for anyone seeking to understand and nurture genius—in themselves or in others.
Embrace Originality

In Originals, Adam Grant encourages us to embrace our originality. He suggests that we should not be afraid to challenge the status quo and bring our unique ideas to the table. It's about not just accepting things as they are, but daring to imagine how they could be.

Procrastination Can Be Beneficial

Surprisingly, Grant argues that procrastination can actually fuel creativity. By giving ideas time to marinate, we can come up with more innovative solutions. So next time you're putting something off, remember it might just lead to your next big idea.

Risk-Taking Isn't Always Necessary

Contrary to popular belief, Grant suggests that successful originals are not always the biggest risk-takers. Instead, they are often more cautious and thoughtful in their approach. They take calculated risks, balancing their bold ideas with practical strategies.

The Power of Dissent

Grant explores the power of dissent in fostering originality. He believes that disagreement and debate can lead to better ideas and solutions. So don't shy away from healthy conflict, it could be the key to unlocking your originality.

The Importance of Persistence

In Originals, we see that persistence is key. Grant shows that original thinkers are not always the first to come up with an idea, but they are the ones who keep pushing when others give up. So keep going, your breakthrough could be just around the corner.

Quotes 5

Adam Grant's Originals is a powerful, compelling read that offers surprising, real-world insights on how to become a trailblazer. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to challenge the status quo and make a difference in the world.

Sheryl SandbergSheryl Sandberg - Facebook COO, Author

Originals by Adam Grant is a fascinating exploration of how to be more original in our thinking and actions. It's a thought-provoking read that will challenge you to question the norm and inspire you to be more innovative.

Richard BransonRichard Branson - Virgin Group Founder

Adam Grant's Originals is a groundbreaking book that will change the way you see the world and your place in it. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to be more creative, innovative, and successful.

Malcolm GladwellMalcolm Gladwell - Journalist, Author

Originals by Adam Grant is a powerful and inspiring book that will change the way you think about creativity, leadership, and change. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to make a difference in the world.

Susan CainSusan Cain - Author, Speaker

Adam Grant's Originals is a game-changer. It's a fascinating, thought-provoking read that will inspire you to think differently, act courageously, and challenge the status quo.

Arianna HuffingtonArianna Huffington - HuffPost Founder
Sheryl SandbergRichard BransonMalcolm GladwellSusan CainArianna Huffington


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