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Order Without Design

432 pages, 2018

This book is based on a series of papers originally presented at the 2004 and 2005 meetings of the Auroville Urban Economics Workshop. The central argument is that economics provides an invaluable tool to understand, designing, and manage cities. From basic models--city sizes, prices, land, and resource values--to models of the city economy as an assembly of markets, markets as institutions that regulate behavior and incentivize economic activity; finally to models that explore how policies can have an immediate impact on the ground--street's widths, the size of land parcels, heights and shapes of buildings. There is an urgent need for this kind of urban economic understanding in all cities: it helps them to develop objectives and assess whether they are being achieved in practice; helps cities to design policies, priorities, and strategies; helps citizens to see how their choices affect the future of their city. The evidence from a growing number of emerging market economies (Mexico City's City Values by The Economist's model, New Delhi's urban revolution by Amartya Sen's model) indicates that this approach works. And who does not want to build cities as livable places?
The Role of Urban Economists

In Order Without Design, Alain Bertaud emphasizes the importance of urban economists in city planning. He believes they should be at the forefront of urban planning decisions, using their knowledge to guide the development of cities in a way that promotes economic growth and sustainability.

The Market as a Planner

Bertaud argues that the market is a more efficient planner than any individual or group could ever be. He suggests that city planners should not try to control or predict the market, but rather, they should understand and respond to it. This is a key point to explore in the book.

The Importance of Affordable Housing

Affordable housing is a major theme in Order Without Design. Bertaud explains that cities need to prioritize affordable housing to ensure they remain accessible and diverse. He also discusses the negative impacts of not providing affordable housing, such as social segregation and economic stagnation.

The Impact of Regulations

Bertaud digs into the impact of regulations on city planning. He argues that excessive regulations can hinder the growth and development of cities. Instead, he advocates for a balance between necessary regulations and the freedom for the market to operate.

The Power of Data

In the book, Bertaud highlights the power of data in urban planning. He believes that data can provide valuable insights into how cities function and evolve. This can help urban planners make more informed decisions and create more effective city plans.

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Alain Bertaud's Order Without Design is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the chaos and order of cities. It's a fascinating look at how cities grow and change.

Bill GatesBill Gates - Microsoft Co-founder

Bertaud's Order Without Design provides a fresh perspective on urban planning. It's a compelling argument for the need to understand markets before trying to plan or regulate them.

Paul RomerPaul Romer - Economist, Nobel laureate

Order Without Design is a book that will change the way you think about cities. Bertaud's insights are profound and important.

Tyler CowenTyler Cowen - Economist, Author
Bill GatesPaul RomerTyler Cowen


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