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Order of Time

256 pages, 2019

Carlo Rovelli is one of the best and boldest theoretical physicists of our time. From Galileo to Heisenberg, from Einstein to Loop Quantum Gravity, his thought has left a lasting footprint on our civilization. Now he takes us on a voyage through the history of human thought about a time that is as enthralling as it is wide-ranging. Going beyond the physics lab and experimental results, he offers a home-cooked meal, full of paradoxes, humor, and poetic insights into this very human effort to understand who we are. With a novelist's talent for narrative and characters, Rovelli attracts the reader with his trust in the marvelous mysteries of existence.
Time is not what we think it is

In the Order of Time, Carlo Rovelli challenges our traditional understanding of time. He suggests that time is not universal, but rather, it's a concept that varies based on perspective. This means that time can flow at different rates in different places.

The past and future are not as distinct as we believe

Rovelli explores the idea that the past and future are not as separate as we might think. He suggests that the distinction between past, present, and future is not as clear-cut as we believe. This can make us rethink our perception of time and how we live our lives.

The concept of 'now' is elusive

The book delves into the concept of 'now' and how it's not as straightforward as we might think. According to Rovelli, 'now' is a fleeting moment that's constantly changing, making it elusive and hard to pin down.

Time is a product of our perception

Rovelli argues that time is not an objective reality, but rather a product of our perception. He suggests that our understanding of time is shaped by our human perspective, which can be influenced by various factors such as culture and personal experiences.

Time and space are interconnected

In the Order of Time, Rovelli also explores the relationship between time and space. He suggests that these two concepts are interconnected and cannot be separated. This means that our understanding of time can also influence our perception of space.

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Rovelli's Order of Time is a profound and enlightening book that anyone interested in physics should read. It's a masterful work.

Lee SmolinLee Smolin - Theoretical Physicist

Rovelli's Order of Time is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the universe and our place in it.

Neil deGrasse TysonNeil deGrasse Tyson - Astrophysicist, Author

Rovelli's Order of Time is a beautifully written, thought-provoking exploration of time's nature.

Brian GreeneBrian Greene - Theoretical Physicist
Lee SmolinNeil deGrasse TysonBrian Greene


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