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On Inequality
120 pages, 2015
Harry G. Frankfurt argues that inequality itself is not morally objectionable. Instead, he suggests that the real issue is poverty. He believes that everyone should have enough to live a decent life, but it's not necessary for everyone to have the same.
Frankfurt challenges the common belief that economic equality is a moral ideal. He argues that our focus should be on ensuring everyone has sufficient resources, rather than striving for everyone to have equal wealth.
The author explores the idea that our society's obsession with economic equality is misguided. He suggests that this obsession can lead to resentment and social tension, and that we should instead focus on eliminating poverty.
Frankfurt introduces the concept of 'enough', arguing that people should aim to have enough resources to live a good life, rather than constantly striving for more. This idea challenges the common belief that more wealth always leads to more happiness.
In 'On Inequality', Frankfurt emphasizes the importance of treating all individuals with respect and dignity, regardless of their economic status. He suggests that this is more important than economic equality, and that a society that respects all its members is a healthier and happier one.