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On China

624 pages, 2012

In this sweeping and insightful history, Henry Kissinger turns for the first time at book length to a country he has known intimately for decades, and whose modern relations with the West he helped shape. On China illuminates the inner workings of Chinese diplomacy during such pivotal events as the initial encounters between China and tight line modern European powers, the breakdown of the Sino-Soviet alliance, the Korean War, and Richard Nixon’s historic trip to Beijing. With a new final chapter on the emerging superpower’s twenty-first century role in global politics and economics, On China provides historical perspective on Chinese foreign affairs from one of the premier statesmen of our time.
Understanding China's History

In 'On China', Henry Kissinger takes us on a journey through China's rich and complex history. He explores the country's ancient philosophies, its dynastic rule, and its modern transformation. This deep dive into the past helps us understand China's present and future.

China's Unique Worldview

Kissinger reveals that China's worldview is fundamentally different from the West's. He explains that while the West often sees international relations as a matter of law, China sees it as a strategic balance of power. This insight can help us better understand China's actions on the global stage.

The Art of Diplomacy

Kissinger, as a seasoned diplomat, shares his experiences and insights into the art of diplomacy with China. He shows how understanding and respecting China's unique perspective can lead to successful negotiations. This is a must-read for anyone interested in international relations.

China's Economic Rise

The book also explores China's remarkable economic rise. From a struggling nation to a global powerhouse, China's journey is nothing short of extraordinary. Kissinger provides a detailed analysis of the strategies and policies that fueled this growth.

The Future of US-China Relations

Kissinger also looks into the future of US-China relations. He suggests that cooperation, rather than confrontation, is the key to a stable and prosperous future. This book encourages us to see China not as a threat, but as a partner in global progress.

Quotes 5

Kissinger's book is a masterpiece in the art of strategic analysis, providing an illuminating understanding of the historical forces that have shaped the world's most populous country and its relationship with the rest of the world.

Fareed ZakariaFareed Zakaria - Journalist, Political Scientist

Kissinger's On China is a fascinating, informative, and important book that offers valuable insights into the complexities of China's evolution.

James FallowsJames Fallows - Journalist, Author

On China is a compelling work from a renowned diplomat, it is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the world's most important bilateral relationship.

Niall FergusonNiall Ferguson - Historian, Author

Kissinger's On China is a tour de force, a fascinating historical analysis of China's geopolitical strategy and its relationship with the West.

Orville SchellOrville Schell - Author, Academic

On China is a seminal work, providing an invaluable framework for understanding China's ambitions and the dynamics of its relationships with other nations.

Graham AllisonGraham Allison - Political Scientist
Fareed ZakariaJames FallowsNiall FergusonOrville SchellGraham Allison
