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Mortal Questions

226 pages, 2012

Thomas Nagel's Mortal Questions explores the philosophical implications of issues surrounding human life, such as death, sexual behavior, social inequality, and war. Nagel ultimately shows that these issues give rise to questions about our relationship with other people and the importance of humanity.
Exploring the Concept of Death

In Mortal Questions, Thomas Nagel takes a deep look into the concept of death. He argues that death is primarily a bad thing because it deprives us of life, which is essentially the loss of all the good things that life contains. This perspective can make us appreciate life more and live each day to the fullest.

Understanding Consciousness

Nagel digs into the mystery of consciousness. He suggests that we may never fully understand it because we can only perceive the world from our own subjective experiences. This can make us more open-minded and respectful of other people's perspectives.

The Absurdity of Life

The book also explores the idea that life can seem absurd. Nagel argues that this feeling arises when we take a step back and see our lives from a detached perspective. But he also encourages us to find our own meaning in life, which can be a powerful motivation to pursue our passions.

The Importance of Moral Luck

Nagel introduces the concept of 'moral luck' - the idea that our moral judgments are often based on factors beyond our control. This can make us rethink our judgments and be more compassionate towards others.

The Intricacies of Human Rights

In Mortal Questions, you'll find a detailed research on human rights. Nagel argues that human rights are not just legal constructs, but are grounded in our common humanity. This can inspire us to stand up for our rights and those of others.


authorSam Harris, media personality and scientist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Sam Harris

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