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Meaningful Work
224 pages, 2017
In Mean Genes, authors Terry Burnham and Jay Phelan argue that we need to stop looking to Sigmund Freud for answers and start looking to Charles Darwin. They reveal that our struggles for self-improvement are, in fact, battles against our genes—genes that helped our distant ancestors flourish, but are selfish and improper in the modern world.
Using this evolutionary lens, Mean Genes brilliantly examines the issues that most affect our lives-body image, money, addiction, violence, relationships, friendship, love, and fidelity-and offers steps to help us lead more satisfying lives.
In Meaningful Work, Shawn Askinosie encourages readers to explore their passions and interests. He believes that everyone has a unique calling, and it's our job to dig deep and find it. This could be the first step towards a more fulfilling career and life.
Askinosie emphasizes the importance of purpose in our work. He suggests that when we see our work as a way to serve others, it becomes more meaningful and satisfying. So, take a look at your current job and ask yourself, 'How does my work serve others?'
Failure is not the end, but a stepping stone to success. This is a key message in Meaningful Work. Askinosie shares his own experiences with failure and how it helped him grow. So, don't be afraid to take risks and make mistakes, they're part of the journey.
In the book, Askinosie highlights the importance of community in finding and doing meaningful work. He believes that we can find inspiration and support in the people around us. So, reach out, connect, and build relationships. You never know where it might lead.
Askinosie encourages readers to practice mindfulness and reflection. He believes that by being present and taking time to reflect on our actions, we can gain deeper insights into our work and ourselves. So, take a moment to pause, breathe, and reflect on your journey.
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Meaningful Work by Shawn Askinosie is a book that will reshape your perspective on your career. It's a must-read for anyone seeking to infuse their life with authenticity and purpose.
Shawn Askinosie's Meaningful Work is a powerful testament to the importance of finding fulfillment in our jobs. It's a book that will inspire you to rethink your career and pursue your passion.

Meaningful Work is a profound and inspiring book. Shawn Askinosie shows us how we can find purpose and passion in our work.

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