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Manual for Living

32 pages, 2017

The best and most concise guides to the life of a sage have been collected here in this small book. Here you will find reflections on how best to live a simple and tranquil life.
Control What You Can

Epictetus emphasizes the importance of focusing on what you can control and letting go of what you can't. This is a key principle in his philosophy. So, instead of worrying about things out of your control, focus on your own actions and attitudes.

Embrace Change

Change is a natural part of life, and Epictetus encourages us to embrace it rather than resist it. He suggests that we should see change as an opportunity for growth and learning. So, next time you face a change, remember to see it as a chance to evolve.

Value Virtue Above All

In Manual for Living, Epictetus argues that virtue is the highest good and should be valued above all else. He believes that living a virtuous life leads to true happiness. So, take a look at your values and see if they align with living a virtuous life.

The Power of Perspective

Epictetus teaches that our perspective on events, not the events themselves, determine our experience. He suggests that by changing our perspective, we can change our experience. So, next time you face a challenge, try to see it from a different angle.

The Importance of Self-Discipline

Self-discipline is a key theme in Manual for Living. Epictetus believes that through self-discipline, we can achieve a peaceful and fulfilling life. So, check your daily habits and see if they reflect self-discipline.


authorJames Clear, educator and author, Recommending BestBooks

James Clear


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