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Love, Henri

384 pages, 2016

Over the course of his life, Henri Nouwen wrote thousands of letters to friends and acquaintances, people he met at gatherings and retreats, parishioners and others he met through his speaking tour. He corresponded in English, Dutch, German, French and Spanish. He took great care to store and archive the letters' decade after decade. Many people looked to him as a spiritual advisor and close friend who would write back with advice. Love, Henri: Over 100 Unpublished Letters offers deep spiritual insight into human experience, intimacy, brokenness and mercy.
The Power of Vulnerability

In Love, Henri, Henri J. M. Nouwen emphasizes the importance of vulnerability in our lives. He suggests that by opening ourselves up to others, we can experience true love and connection. So, don't be afraid to show your true self to the world.

The Essence of Spirituality

Nouwen explores the concept of spirituality in a unique way. He believes that spirituality is not about rituals or doctrines, but about a deep, personal relationship with God. If you're looking for a fresh perspective on spirituality, you should definitely check out this book.

The Journey of Self-Discovery

Love, Henri encourages readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Nouwen believes that understanding ourselves is the first step towards understanding God and others. So, take some time to explore your inner self.

The Role of Suffering

Nouwen sees suffering not as a punishment, but as a path to spiritual growth. He suggests that through suffering, we can find a deeper connection with God and develop a greater sense of empathy for others. If you're going through a tough time, this book might offer you some comfort.

The Importance of Community

In Love, Henri, Nouwen emphasizes the importance of community in our lives. He believes that we are not meant to go through life alone, but to share our joys and sorrows with others. So, don't isolate yourself, reach out to others and build meaningful relationships.


authorBrené Brown, educator and author, Recommending BestBooks

Brené Brown


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