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Live Your Truth

140 pages, 2013

We don't stumble accidentally into a remarkable life. To live fully and to express ourselves, we have to have an in-depth understanding of ourselves and the beliefs that are holding us back. The question is: How? Kamal Ravikant found his truth through meditation on love, healing, fear, failure, vulnerability and other topics. He shares his findings in Live Your Truth, so he can help you find your truth and inspire you to live it.
Love Yourself

Kamal Ravikant emphasizes the importance of self-love. He believes that loving yourself is the foundation of a happy and fulfilling life. So, take a look at how you treat yourself. Are you kind to yourself? Do you respect yourself? If not, it's time to start.

Embrace Change

Change is inevitable. Instead of resisting it, Ravikant encourages us to embrace it. He suggests that we should see change as an opportunity for growth and learning. So, next time when life throws a curveball at you, instead of panicking, try to find the silver lining.

Live in the Present

In 'Live Your Truth', the author stresses the importance of living in the present moment. He believes that the present moment is all we have and it's where life happens. So, stop worrying about the past or the future and start enjoying the now.

Follow Your Passion

Ravikant believes that following your passion is the key to a fulfilling life. He encourages us to explore what we love and pursue it relentlessly. So, dig deep into your heart, find what sets your soul on fire and go for it.

Be Grateful

Gratitude is a recurring theme in 'Live Your Truth'. Kamal Ravikant suggests that being grateful for what we have can bring us happiness and peace. So, take a moment each day to appreciate the good things in your life. You'll be surprised at how much this simple act can improve your mood and outlook.

Quotes 3

Live Your Truth is a masterful fusion of wisdom and love. It's a beacon of light that guides you back to your own truth, your own self-love, and your own power.

James AltucherJames Altucher - Entrepreneur, Author

Live Your Truth is a journey of self-discovery and self-love. It's a must-read for anyone seeking to understand themselves and their place in the world.

Tim FerrissTim Ferriss - Author, Entrepreneur

Live Your Truth is a powerful exploration of the self. It's a book that challenges you to confront your fears, embrace your passions, and live your truth.

Ryan HolidayRyan Holiday - Author, Marketer
James AltucherTim FerrissRyan Holiday


Naval Ravikant, entrepreneur and media personality and technology and venture capitalist, Recommending BestBooks

Naval Ravikant

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