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101 pages, 2019

A masterful blend of fact and fiction, this gripping novel by Don DeLillo chronicles Lee Harvey Oswald's odyssey from troubled teenager to a man of precarious stability who imagines himself an agent of history. When history presents itself in the form of two disgruntled CIA operatives who decide that an unsuccessful attempt on the life of the president will galvanize the nation against communism, the scales are irrevocably tipped.
Exploring the Complexity of Human Nature

In Libra, Don DeLillo takes us on a journey to explore the complexity of human nature. He presents characters with diverse personalities and backgrounds, showing us that people are not just black and white, but a mix of various shades of grey. This book encourages us to look into our own nature and understand our complexities.

Understanding Historical Events

Libra gives us a unique perspective on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. DeLillo doesn't just recount the events, but he digs deep into the minds of the people involved. This book is a great way to research and understand historical events from a different angle.

The Power of Conspiracy Theories

DeLillo explores the power and influence of conspiracy theories in Libra. He shows how they can shape our perception of reality and even alter the course of history. This book will make you question what you know and encourage you to find out more.

The Art of Storytelling

Don DeLillo is a master storyteller, and Libra is a testament to his skill. He weaves a complex narrative that keeps you engaged from start to finish. If you're interested in improving your storytelling skills, this book is a must-read.

The Impact of Personal Choices

In Libra, DeLillo shows us how personal choices can have far-reaching consequences. He makes us see that our decisions, no matter how small, can impact not just our lives but also the world around us. This book will make you think twice about the choices you make.


authorAnthony Bourdain, filmmaker and hospitality and author, Recommending BestBooks

Anthony Bourdain


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