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Less Is More

334 pages, 1996


In this eclectic anthology, writings from many great thinkers spanning the millennia are brought together, each reflecting a vision of the right way to live. Confucius, Patañjali, Ovid, St. Matthew, Milarepa, Rumi, Eckhart, da Vinci, St. Teresa of Avila, Basho, Thoreau, Tagore, Suzuki, Illich, and many others share profound thoughts on our wants and needs as well as lifestyles and lifeworks. 

Here is a book to be savored in quiet moments when we reflect on our hectic pace of life; when we wonder if the race to riches is worth the struggle; or when we wonder if the earth can sustain our greed for many more generations.

Understanding the Concept of Minimalism

In 'Less Is More', Goldian Vandenbroeck introduces us to the concept of minimalism. He encourages us to explore the idea of living with less and finding happiness in simplicity. It's not about having less, but making the most of what you have.

The Power of Detachment

Vandenbroeck emphasizes the importance of detachment from material possessions. He suggests that by letting go of our attachment to things, we can find true freedom and happiness. So, take a look at your life and see what you can let go of.

The Impact of Consumerism

The book 'Less Is More' digs into the negative effects of consumerism on our lives and the environment. It encourages us to rethink our consumption habits and make more sustainable choices. It's a wake-up call to check our actions and their impact on the world.

The Art of Contentment

One of the key takeaways from 'Less Is More' is learning to be content with what we have. The author suggests that contentment comes from appreciating the simple things in life, not from accumulating more stuff. So, find joy in the little things and see how your life changes.

Practical Steps to Minimalism

Goldian Vandenbroeck doesn't just talk about minimalism, he also provides practical steps to implement it in our lives. From decluttering your home to simplifying your lifestyle, the book offers actionable tips to live a minimalist life. So, if you're ready to make a change, this book is a great place to start.


authorTim Ferriss, media personality and technology and venture capitalist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Tim Ferriss

media personalitytechnologyventure capitalistauthor