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Learnings From The Long View

62 pages, 2011


Peter Schwartz's 1991 book "The Art of the Long View" popularized the scenario-planning process, which futurists and business strategists use to navigate uncertainty.

 Although Schwartz was a pioneer in this field, he wasn't the first to use scenarios to help clients plan for the future: Global Business Network (GBN), where he is president, has been conducting scenario projects since its inception in 1982. 

In this book, Schwartz reflects on GBN's legacy of successful projects with a diverse range of clients—including multinational corporations, nonprofits, and government agencies around the world.

The Importance of Long-Term Thinking

In 'Learnings From The Long View', Peter Schwartz emphasizes the importance of long-term thinking. He suggests that by looking ahead and considering the potential outcomes of our actions, we can make better decisions today. So, if you're someone who tends to focus on the here and now, this book might inspire you to take a broader view.

The Power of Scenario Planning

Schwartz introduces us to the concept of scenario planning. This is a strategic method that organizations can use to visualize different future possibilities and prepare for them. If you're interested in strategic planning, you'll definitely want to check out this book.

The Role of Intuition in Decision Making

Schwartz believes that intuition plays a crucial role in decision making. He argues that our gut feelings can often guide us towards the right path. If you've ever doubted your own intuition, this book might help you see its value.

The Impact of Global Trends

In 'Learnings From The Long View', Schwartz explores how global trends can impact our lives and businesses. He encourages us to stay informed about these trends and consider how they might affect our future. If you're curious about the world around you, this book will give you plenty to think about.

The Need for Adaptability

Schwartz stresses the need for adaptability in a rapidly changing world. He suggests that those who are willing to change and evolve will be the ones who thrive. If you're feeling stuck or resistant to change, this book might give you the push you need to embrace new ways of thinking.