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Information Graphics
80 pages, 2014
Simon Rogers emphasizes the importance of visual data in his book, Information Graphics. He suggests that complex data can be made more understandable and engaging when presented visually. So, if you're dealing with a lot of data, take a look at how you can present it in a more visual way.
One of the key points Rogers makes is the art of simplification. He believes that the best information graphics are those that simplify complex information. This is a great reminder for us to always find ways to simplify our work and make it easier for others to understand.
Design plays a crucial role in communication, according to Rogers. He explores how good design can make information more accessible and engaging. If you're interested in design or communication, you'll find a lot of valuable insights in Information Graphics.
Accuracy is paramount when it comes to information graphics, as Rogers points out. He stresses that even the most beautifully designed graphic can lose its impact if the information it presents is inaccurate. So, always double-check your facts before you share them.
In Information Graphics, you'll also get to see how information graphics have evolved over time. Rogers takes you on a journey from the earliest forms of data visualization to the cutting-edge graphics of today. It's a fascinating look into the history and future of this field.
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