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How to Get Rich
320 pages, 2009
business & management
1082 booksbiographies & memoirs
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909 booksmoney & investing
165 booksHow to Get Rich is a distillation of the business wisdom that Felix Dennis acquired from his dealings with other successful businessmen. He believes that anyone of reasonable intelligence can become rich, given sufficient motivation and application.
The book has garnered both acclaim and controversy for its honesty about the author's memoir-esque style of writing and the way he recounts his own rise to wealth. Also, it was the first book written by a publishing company owner in recent times to enter the top ten bestseller list in its first week.
Felix Dennis emphasizes the power of self-belief in the journey to wealth. He suggests that you need to truly believe in your ability to get rich. It's not about hoping or wishing, but knowing you can do it. So, take a look into your self-confidence and start building it up.
According to Dennis, there's no shortcut to wealth. It's all about hard work, persistence, and dedication. He insists that you need to be willing to put in the time and effort to see real results. So, get ready to roll up your sleeves and dig into the work.
Fear can be a major roadblock on your path to wealth. But, Dennis encourages readers to use fear as a motivator rather than a deterrent. He believes that fear can push you to take risks and make bold moves. So, don't shy away from fear, instead, explore it and use it to your advantage.
In 'How to Get Rich', Dennis highlights the importance of owning assets. He explains that owning things like businesses, properties, and stocks is a key to building wealth. So, start researching and find out what kind of assets you can start acquiring.
Mistakes are inevitable in the journey to wealth. But, Dennis insists that these mistakes are valuable learning opportunities. He encourages readers to see mistakes as stepping stones to success. So, don't be afraid to make mistakes, instead, learn from them and keep moving forward.
Quotes 5
Felix Dennis's 'How to Get Rich' is a brutally honest and deeply insightful guide to wealth accumulation. It's a must-read for anyone seeking financial success.
'How to Get Rich' by Felix Dennis is a no-nonsense, no-holds-barred approach to wealth creation that I highly recommend.
Felix Dennis's 'How to Get Rich' is a raw, unfiltered roadmap to financial prosperity. It's a must-read for any aspiring entrepreneur.
'How to Get Rich' by Felix Dennis is a brutally honest guide to financial success. It's a must-read for anyone serious about wealth creation.
Felix Dennis's 'How to Get Rich' is a brutally honest, deeply insightful guide to wealth accumulation. It's a must-read for anyone seeking financial success.
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