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How to Eat

560 pages, 2014


All of Nigella Lawson's books have been bestsellers, but How to Eat was the first, and it remains her quintessential volume. It covers every aspect of cooking, including basics like how to tell when food is cooked, descriptions of the best ingredients to use, and how to taste everything. 

It even includes the recipes that have made her a star: Tarragon French Roast Chicken, Nutmeg Orange Cake, and Chocolate Raspberry Pudding Cake. Everyone loves eating—Nigella shows you how to make every meal special.

Food is More Than Just Fuel

Nigella Lawson emphasizes that food is not just about nutrition, it's about enjoyment too. She encourages readers to savor every bite and enjoy the process of preparing meals. So, next time you're in the kitchen, take a moment to appreciate the aromas, textures, and flavors.

Cooking Shouldn't be Stressful

In 'How to Eat', Lawson reassures us that cooking doesn't have to be a stressful chore. She suggests that we should relax and enjoy the process. So, don't worry if you're not a master chef, just have fun and experiment with different recipes.

Quality Over Quantity

Lawson advocates for quality over quantity. She suggests that it's better to eat smaller portions of high-quality food than large amounts of low-quality food. So, next time you're shopping, look for fresh, organic ingredients instead of processed foods.

Importance of Meal Planning

In her book, Nigella Lawson highlights the importance of meal planning. She believes that planning meals in advance can save time, reduce stress, and help maintain a healthy diet. So, take some time each week to plan your meals and see how it changes your eating habits.

Enjoyment is Key

The main message of 'How to Eat' is that we should enjoy food. Lawson believes that eating should be a pleasurable experience, not a guilt-ridden chore. So, next time you sit down for a meal, take a moment to really enjoy it. You might find that it changes your whole perspective on food.

Quotes 5

Nigella's 'How to Eat' is a culinary bible for anyone who loves food. It's a must-read!

Jamie OliverJamie Oliver - Celebrity Chef

Nigella's 'How to Eat' is a masterclass in the art of cooking. It's a treasure trove of culinary wisdom.

Delia SmithDelia Smith - Cooking Television Presenter

'How to Eat' by Nigella Lawson is a game-changer. It's a must-have for every kitchen.

Gordon RamsayGordon Ramsay - Michelin-starred Chef

Nigella's 'How to Eat' is a culinary masterpiece. It's a must-have for every food lover.

Mary BerryMary Berry - Baking Expert

'How to Eat' by Nigella Lawson is a gastronomic revelation. It's a must-have for every aspiring chef.

Heston BlumenthalHeston Blumenthal - Innovative Chef
Jamie OliverDelia SmithGordon RamsayMary BerryHeston Blumenthal


authorYotam Ottolenghi, entrepreneur and hospitality and author, Recommending BestBooks

Yotam Ottolenghi


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