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How to Castrate a Bull

208 pages, 2008


Dave Hitz has devoted much of his life to business. He did not set out to be a Silicon Valley icon, a business visionary, or even a billionaire. However, he became all three. He currently runs NetApp, Inc. , a data storage firm that began as an idea scribbled on a placemat and now takes in $4 billion a year.

  Hitz has seen his company go through every major cycle in business--from the Jack-of-All-Trades mentality of a start-up, through the tumultuous period of the IPO and the dot-com bust, finally to a mature enterprise company. NetApp is one of the fastest-growing computer companies ever and for six years in a row has been on Fortune magazine's list of Best Companies to Work For.

Embrace Change

In 'How to Castrate a Bull', Dave Hitz emphasizes the importance of embracing change. He believes that change is inevitable, especially in the tech industry, and those who adapt quickly are the ones who succeed. So, don't be afraid of change, instead, see it as an opportunity for growth.

The Power of Persistence

Hitz shares his journey of building a successful company, highlighting the power of persistence. He faced numerous challenges and setbacks, but he never gave up. His story encourages us to keep going, even when things get tough. So, check out his book to find inspiration for your own journey.

Importance of Teamwork

One of the key takeaways from 'How to Castrate a Bull' is the importance of teamwork. Hitz believes that a company's success is not just about one person's efforts, but the collective work of the entire team. So, if you're looking to build a successful team, this book is a must-read.

Value of Humility

Despite his success, Hitz remains humble and credits his achievements to his team. He teaches us that humility is a valuable trait in leadership. It's not just about being the smartest in the room, but also about recognizing and appreciating the contributions of others. Explore this concept further in his book.

Learning from Mistakes

In 'How to Castrate a Bull', Hitz shares his mistakes and what he learned from them. He encourages us to see mistakes not as failures, but as opportunities to learn and grow. So, if you're looking for a book that offers real-life lessons from a successful entrepreneur, look no further.

Quotes 5

Dave Hitz's book is a captivating read, providing a unique insight into the world of startups and the tech industry.

Marc AndreessenMarc Andreessen - Co-founder Netscape

Hitz's book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the dynamics of building a successful tech company.

Ben HorowitzBen Horowitz - Venture Capitalist

Dave Hitz's book provides a rare and valuable perspective on the challenges and triumphs of entrepreneurship.

Peter ThielPeter Thiel - PayPal Co-founder

Hitz's book is a compelling narrative that offers valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Elon MuskElon Musk - CEO SpaceX

Dave Hitz's book is an insightful guide into the world of tech startups, filled with invaluable advice.

Mark ZuckerbergMark Zuckerberg - Facebook Founder
Marc AndreessenBen HorowitzPeter ThielElon MuskMark Zuckerberg


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