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Hold Still

496 pages, 2016

In this memoir and family history, acclaimed photographer Sally Mann explores her family's preoccupations with mortality, sexuality, and the storied landscape of the American South and finds something she didn't expect. The book reveals personal stories that are at once surprising and familiar - tales of adultery, death, alcoholism, abuse and violent car accidents.
Exploring the Power of Photography

Sally Mann uses her book, Hold Still, to show us the power of photography. She believes that a single image can tell a story, evoke emotions, and even change perspectives. So, if you're into photography, you might want to check this book out.

Understanding the Importance of Family

In Hold Still, Mann emphasizes the importance of family. She shares intimate moments and memories, showing us that family shapes who we are. If you're looking to understand your family better, this book might give you some insights.

Dealing with Controversy

Mann faced a lot of controversy for her work, but she didn't let it stop her. In Hold Still, she shares how she dealt with criticism and continued to create. If you're facing challenges in your life, you might find her resilience inspiring.

Exploring the South

Hold Still also gives us a glimpse into the American South. Mann's vivid descriptions and powerful images paint a picture of a region filled with beauty, complexity, and history. If you're interested in exploring different cultures, this book is a must-read.

Finding Beauty in the Ordinary

One of the key takeaways from Hold Still is that beauty can be found in the most ordinary things. Mann's photographs often focus on everyday scenes and objects, yet she manages to make them extraordinary. If you're looking to find beauty in your everyday life, you might want to see how she does it.

Quotes 5

Hold Still is a mesmerizing exploration of the intersection of art and life. Sally Mann's work is a testament to the power of photography and its ability to shape our understanding of the world.

Susan SontagSusan Sontag - Writer, Filmmaker, Activist

Sally Mann's Hold Still is a profound and beautiful meditation on the power of photography to reveal, to celebrate, and to heal.

Annie LeibovitzAnnie Leibovitz - Portrait Photographer

Hold Still is a masterful work that explores the complexities of memory, identity, and art. Sally Mann's photographs are a powerful testament to the human spirit.

Richard AvedonRichard Avedon - Fashion Photographer

Sally Mann's Hold Still is a deeply moving exploration of the power of photography to capture the essence of our lives. It is a book that will resonate with anyone who has ever held a camera.

Diane ArbusDiane Arbus - Photographer, Writer

Hold Still is a powerful and poignant exploration of the human condition. Sally Mann's work is a testament to the transformative power of photography.

Robert FrankRobert Frank - Documentary Photographer
Susan SontagAnnie LeibovitzRichard AvedonDiane ArbusRobert Frank



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