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Herding Tigers
272 pages, 2018
From the author of The Accidental Creative and Die Empty comes a practical handbook for every manager charged with leading teams to creative brilliance. Doing the work and leading the work are very different things. When you make the transition from maker to manager, you give ownership of projects to your team even though you could do them yourself better and faster.
You are juggling expectations from your manager, who wants consistent, predictable output from an inherently unpredictable creative process. And you're managing the pushback from your team of brilliant, headstrong, and possibly overqualified creatives. Leading talented, creative people requires a different skill set than the one many management books offer.
As a consultant to creative companies, Todd Henry knows firsthand what prevents creative leaders from guiding their teams to success, and in Herding Tigers he provides a bold new blueprint to help you be the leader your team needs. Learn to lead by influence instead of control.
In Herding Tigers, Todd Henry emphasizes the importance of clarity in leadership. He suggests that leaders should clearly communicate their vision and expectations to their team. This helps to avoid confusion and ensures everyone is working towards the same goal.
Trust is a key theme in Herding Tigers. Henry argues that leaders must earn the trust of their team by being reliable, honest, and transparent. This trust is crucial for fostering a positive and productive work environment.
Henry explores the delicate balance between providing stability and challenging your team. He suggests that leaders should provide a stable environment where team members feel safe, but also challenge them to grow and improve. This balance can lead to increased productivity and job satisfaction.
In Herding Tigers, you'll find that leadership is not about wielding power, but about influencing others. Henry suggests that leaders should inspire their team to take action, rather than forcing them to do so. This approach can lead to a more engaged and motivated team.
Henry emphasizes the need for leaders to be adaptable in Herding Tigers. He suggests that leaders should be willing to change their approach based on the needs of their team and the situation at hand. This adaptability can help leaders to effectively manage their team in a variety of circumstances.
Quotes 5
Todd Henry's Herding Tigers is a must-read for anyone who leads creative teams. It's deep, insightful, and uniquely focused on the ins and outs of leading creative minds.

Herding Tigers is a game changer. It provides leaders with insightful advice on how to get the best out of their creative teams.

Todd Henry's Herding Tigers is a practical, hands-on guide to leading a creative team. It's a must-read for anyone in a leadership position.

Herding Tigers is a profound book that provides deep insights into the challenges and rewards of leading creative teams. It's a must-read for all leaders.

Todd Henry's Herding Tigers is a groundbreaking book that offers a new perspective on leading creative teams. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to lead effectively.

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