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Getting Schooled
320 pages, 2015
"Keizer writes eloquently and perceptively . . . More than just thoughtful, reasonable, carefully observed, elegantly written, and deeply humane, this book is also that rare thing, a work of genuine wisdom."-Chicago Tribune
Perhaps no profession is so constantly discussed, regulated, and maligned by non-practitioners as teaching. The voices of the teachers themselves, however, are conspicuously missing. Defying the trend, teacher and writer Garret Keizer takes us to school in this arresting chronicle of his return to the same rural Vermont high school where he taught fourteen years ago.
Much has changed since then-a former student is his principal, standardized testing is the reigning god, and smoking in the boys' room has been supplanted by texting in the boys' room. More familiar are the effects of poverty, the exuberance of youth, and the staggering workload that technology has done as much to increase as to lighten. At once fiercely critical and deeply contemplative, Getting Schooled exposes the obstacles that teachers face daily-and along the way takes aim at some cherished cant: that public education is doomed, that the heroic teacher is the cure for all that ails education, that educational reform can serve as a cheap substitute for societal reform.
In Getting Schooled, Garret Keizer emphasizes the crucial role teachers play in shaping the future of students. He believes that teachers are not just educators, but also mentors and guides who can make a significant impact on a student's life. So, if you're a teacher, this book will remind you of your importance and inspire you to keep doing your best.
Keizer takes a deep look into the current state of the education system. He highlights the struggles teachers face, from budget cuts to standardized testing pressures. If you're interested in understanding the realities of modern education, this book will give you a firsthand account.
One of the key messages in Getting Schooled is the importance of empathy in education. Keizer shows how understanding and relating to students' experiences can make a huge difference in their learning. This book will encourage you to practice empathy, whether you're a teacher, parent, or student.
Keizer doesn't just point out the problems in education, he also suggests solutions. He believes that for real change to happen, we need to rethink our approach to education. If you're passionate about educational reform, you'll find plenty of food for thought in this book.
In Getting Schooled, Keizer shares his personal experiences as a teacher, giving readers an inside look into the world of education. He shows that experience is a valuable teacher, and encourages readers to learn from their own experiences. So, if you're looking to gain insights from a seasoned educator, this book is a must-read.