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Getting Better

272 pages, 2012

Getting Better tells the good news about global progress by pointing to widespread improvements in health, education, peace, liberty, and happiness. Economist Charles Kenny argues against naysayers of development by claiming that they are ignoring the evidence.
Global Progress

In 'Getting Better', Charles Kenny explores the significant global progress made over the past 50 years. He highlights how life expectancy, education, and living standards have improved worldwide, even in the poorest countries. It's a great reminder that despite the challenges we face, we're making strides in the right direction.

The Role of Technology

Kenny digs into the role of technology in improving quality of life. He shows how innovations like vaccines, oral rehydration therapy, and the internet have made a huge difference in global health and education. If you're interested in how technology can change the world, you'll find this book fascinating.

Importance of Basic Needs

The book emphasizes the importance of meeting basic needs for improving global well-being. Kenny argues that access to clean water, basic healthcare, and education can have a more significant impact than economic growth alone. It's a compelling argument that challenges conventional wisdom.

The Power of Aid

Kenny also explores the power of aid in 'Getting Better'. He shows that while aid is often criticized, it has played a crucial role in many of the improvements we've seen. This book will make you see aid in a new light and understand its potential to make a real difference.

Optimistic Outlook

One of the key takeaways from 'Getting Better' is Kenny's optimistic outlook. Despite the problems we face, he believes that we can continue to make progress and improve lives around the world. If you're feeling pessimistic about the state of the world, this book might just change your mind.

Quotes 5

Charles Kenny's 'Getting Better' is a must-read. It's an optimistic book arguing that quality of life has improved and will continue to improve in the developing world.

Bill GatesBill Gates - Microsoft Co-Founder

'Getting Better' by Charles Kenny is a refreshing take on the progress of human development. It's a beacon of optimism in a sea of doomsday predictions.

Steven PinkerSteven Pinker - Cognitive Psychologist

Charles Kenny's 'Getting Better' is a compelling argument for the power of progress and the potential for humanity to continue improving.

Fareed ZakariaFareed Zakaria - Journalist, Author

'Getting Better' is a powerful testament to human resilience and the capacity for progress. Charles Kenny brilliantly highlights the positive trends in global development.

Daron AcemogluDaron Acemoglu - Economist, Author

Charles Kenny's 'Getting Better' is a beacon of hope, demonstrating that progress is not only possible, but happening right now.

Esther DufloEsther Duflo - Economist, Professor
Bill GatesSteven PinkerFareed ZakariaDaron AcemogluEsther Duflo


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