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Gap Creek

368 pages, 2012


Young Julie Harmon works “hard as a man,” they say, so hard that at times she’s not sure she can stop. People depend on her to slaughter the hogs and nurse the dying. 

 People are weak, and there is so much to do. At just seventeen she marries and moves down into the valley of Gap Creek, where perhaps life will be better. But Julie and Hank’s new life in the valley, in the last years of the nineteenth century, is more complicated than the couple ever imagined. Sometimes it’s hard to tell what to fear most—the fires and floods or the flesh-and-blood grifters, drunks, and busybodies who insinuate themselves into their new life. 

To survive, they must find out whether love can keep chaos and madness at bay. Their struggles with nature, with work, with the changing century, and with the disappointments and triumphs of their union make Gap Creek a timeless story of a marriage.

The Power of Resilience

In Gap Creek, Robert Morgan paints a vivid picture of the protagonist, Julie Harmon, who embodies resilience. Despite the hardships she faces, Julie never gives up. This is a powerful reminder for us to stay strong and keep going, no matter what life throws at us.

The Reality of Marriage

Gap Creek explores the reality of marriage in a raw and honest way. It's not always sunshine and roses, and Robert Morgan doesn't shy away from showing the struggles and conflicts that can arise. This book encourages us to look into our relationships and find ways to navigate through the tough times.

The Importance of Hard Work

One thing you'll definitely take away from this book is the importance of hard work. The characters in Gap Creek are no strangers to hard labor, and their determination and grit are truly inspiring. It's a great reminder to always give our best in everything we do.

The Beauty of Nature

Robert Morgan's descriptions of the Appalachian landscape in Gap Creek are breathtaking. He invites us to explore the beauty of nature and appreciate its calming and healing effects. So, why not take a break, go outside, and enjoy the beauty that surrounds us?

The Struggles of Womanhood

Gap Creek is a deep dive into the struggles of womanhood in the late 19th century. It's a stark reminder of how far we've come in terms of women's rights and equality. This book encourages us to continue fighting for gender equality and to appreciate the progress we've made so far.

Quotes 5

Gap Creek is a book that will challenge your mind and touch your heart. It's a story of resilience and survival.

Oprah WinfreyOprah Winfrey - TV host, Philanthropist

Robert Morgan's Gap Creek is a triumph of storytelling, a testament to the strength of the human spirit.

Bill HendersonBill Henderson - Publisher, Editor

Gap Creek is a novel of stunning authenticity, beautifully capturing the harsh realities of life in the Appalachian region.

Ron RashRon Rash - Poet, Novelist

Gap Creek is a powerful, moving novel that explores the human spirit's ability to overcome adversity.

Lee SmithLee Smith - Fiction Author

Gap Creek is a beautifully written, deeply moving novel that brings to life a time and place with remarkable authenticity.

Jill McCorkleJill McCorkle - Short-story Writer
Oprah WinfreyBill HendersonRon RashLee SmithJill McCorkle


authorOprah Winfrey, actor and entrepreneur and media personality and author, Recommending BestBooks

Oprah Winfrey

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