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Four Hours in My Lai

464 pages, 1993

The 1968 My Lai massacre in Vietnam was a brutal, cautionary tale that serves as a painful reminder of the worst that can happen in war. ——Philadelphia Enquirer.
The Horrors of War

Four Hours in My Lai by Michael Bilton is a stark reminder of the horrors of war. It explores the My Lai massacre during the Vietnam War, where hundreds of unarmed Vietnamese civilians were killed by American soldiers. This book will make you question the morality of war and the actions of those involved.

The Power of Truth

Bilton's book shows us the importance of truth and accountability. Despite attempts to cover up the My Lai massacre, the truth eventually came out, leading to public outrage and a military trial. It's a powerful lesson about the consequences of hiding the truth.

The Impact of Leadership

In Four Hours in My Lai, you'll see how leadership can significantly impact the actions of soldiers. The book suggests that the massacre was a result of poor leadership and lack of discipline within the unit. It's a thought-provoking look into the responsibilities of those in command.

The Human Side of Soldiers

Bilton's research into the soldiers involved in the massacre reveals their human side. He explores their backgrounds, their experiences in Vietnam, and the psychological impact of their actions. It's a reminder that soldiers are not just machines of war, but human beings capable of both good and evil.

The Importance of Historical Awareness

Reading Four Hours in My Lai will make you realize the importance of being aware of historical events. The My Lai massacre is a dark chapter in American history that should not be forgotten. By understanding our past, we can strive to prevent such atrocities in the future.


authorJocko Willink, media personality and author, Recommending BestBooks

Jocko Willink

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