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Faraday, Maxwell, and the Electromagnetic Field
328 pages, 2019
Two Nineteenth-century Scientists. They're at the forefront of scientific progress. This is the story of how they discovered a Field—and not just any old field, but an Electromagnetic one. They discovered that the world is actually made up of invisible forces and that electricity and magnetism are examples of them.
What's more, these scientists (whom we shall refer to as F and M for convenience) proved that the world isn't made up of solid matter—it's a gas consisting of tiny particles that can be in more than one place at the same time! Life before this discovery was dull, compared with life after.
Nancy Forbes gives us a deep insight into the lives and works of Faraday and Maxwell. She shows us how these two geniuses revolutionized our understanding of the electromagnetic field. Their groundbreaking research laid the foundation for much of modern physics and technology.
The book highlights the importance of perseverance. Faraday and Maxwell faced numerous challenges and setbacks in their research. However, they never gave up. Their determination and resilience are truly inspiring. It's a great reminder that success often comes to those who are willing to keep trying, no matter what.
Faraday, Maxwell, and the Electromagnetic Field also emphasizes the power of collaboration in scientific research. Faraday and Maxwell's work was not done in isolation. They built upon each other's ideas, leading to groundbreaking discoveries. This shows the importance of teamwork and collaboration in any field.
Forbes also explores the impact of Faraday and Maxwell's discoveries on society. Their work has had far-reaching implications, influencing everything from electricity and telecommunications to modern physics. It's a fascinating look at how scientific discoveries can shape the world.
Finally, the book gives us a glimpse into the personal lives of Faraday and Maxwell. It shows us that they were not just brilliant scientists, but also complex individuals with their own hopes, fears, and struggles. This humanizes them and makes their achievements even more remarkable.
Quotes 5
This book is a wonderful guide to the paths that led to our modern understanding of the electromagnetic field. It's a must-read for anyone interested in the history of science.

Forbes and Mahon provide a fascinating insight into the lives and works of Faraday and Maxwell, two of the greatest minds in the field of electromagnetism.

This book is a brilliant exploration of the scientific revolution that changed our world. It's a captivating journey through the history of electromagnetism.

Forbes and Mahon's book is a treasure trove of scientific history, shedding light on the lives and discoveries of Faraday and Maxwell. It's a must-read for science enthusiasts.

This book is a masterful account of two of the greatest minds in the history of science. It's a fascinating read for anyone interested in the development of scientific thought.

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