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Falling into Grace

248 pages, 2013


In the same way that we relax into a loved one's arms or let our weight rest on a pillow before sleep, we can open our hearts to the beauty and truth of who and what we really are. 

Adyashanti offers his response to anyone looking for a way to move beyond suffering and into the freedom of spiritual awakening. In his first introductory book, he presents what he considers the fundamental teachings on seeing life with clear eyes to transcend the illusions that cause unhappiness.

Embrace the Present Moment

Adyashanti encourages us to fully embrace the present moment. He suggests that by doing so, we can find peace and grace. Instead of worrying about the past or future, we should focus on the here and now. This is a key theme throughout Falling into Grace.

Let Go of the Ego

The author emphasizes the importance of letting go of our ego. He explains that our ego often causes us to suffer because it's always seeking validation and control. By letting go of this, we can experience true freedom and happiness.

The Power of Acceptance

Adyashanti explores the power of acceptance in his book. He suggests that by accepting our circumstances, we can find peace and grace. This doesn't mean we should be passive, but rather we should accept things as they are and then take action if needed.

The Illusion of Separation

He discusses the illusion of separation, explaining that we often feel separate from others and the world around us. This feeling of separation can cause suffering. However, Adyashanti suggests that we are all interconnected and by recognizing this, we can experience a sense of unity and peace.

The Journey of Self-Discovery

Falling into Grace takes you on a journey of self-discovery. Adyashanti encourages readers to dig deep within themselves to find their true nature. This process can be challenging, but it's also incredibly rewarding as it leads to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Quotes 5

Adyashanti's 'Falling into Grace' is a profound exploration of the human condition, a guide to awakening to the truth of our nature.

Eckhart TolleEckhart Tolle - Spiritual Teacher, Author

Adyashanti's 'Falling into Grace' is a beacon of wisdom that shines a light on the path to spiritual awakening.

Deepak ChopraDeepak Chopra - Author, Public Speaker

'Falling into Grace' by Adyashanti is a transformative book that guides us to live from our divine essence.

Marianne WilliamsonMarianne Williamson - Spiritual Leader, Author

Adyashanti's 'Falling into Grace' is a powerful guide to self-discovery and spiritual awakening.

Wayne DyerWayne Dyer - Self-help Author, Speaker

'Falling into Grace' by Adyashanti is a profound book that guides us to embrace our true nature and live a life of grace.

Oprah WinfreyOprah Winfrey - Media Executive, Actress
Eckhart TolleDeepak ChopraMarianne WilliamsonWayne DyerOprah Winfrey


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