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134 pages, 2005


The Dutch Jewish philosopher Baruch or Benedict de Spinoza was a very influential iconoclast. In fact, Hegel said of all modern philosophers, You are either a Spinozaist or not a philosopher at all. 

If you're familiar with the history of philosophy, you know that Spinoza's magnum opus, the posthumous Ethics, in which he opposed Descartes's mind-body dualism, was placed on the Church's Index Librorum Prohibitorum (List of Prohibited Books).

Understanding Human Emotions

In 'Ethics', Benedict de Spinoza explores the nature of human emotions. He believes that understanding our feelings can help us control them, leading to a more peaceful and fulfilling life. So, if you're looking to gain control over your emotions, this book is a must-read.

The Power of Rational Thinking

Spinoza emphasizes the importance of rational thinking. He suggests that by using reason, we can overcome our negative emotions and achieve a state of 'blessedness'. If you're interested in learning how to use logic to improve your life, you should definitely check out 'Ethics'.

The Concept of God

One of the most intriguing aspects of 'Ethics' is Spinoza's unique view of God. He sees God not as a supernatural being, but as the natural world itself. This perspective can give you a whole new way to look at the world around you.

The Nature of Good and Evil

In 'Ethics', Spinoza challenges traditional views of good and evil. He argues that these concepts are subjective and depend on our perspective. This book can help you see the world in a more nuanced way, free from black-and-white thinking.

The Path to Freedom

Spinoza believes that true freedom comes from understanding the laws of nature and living in harmony with them. If you're feeling trapped or unfulfilled, 'Ethics' can provide you with a roadmap to freedom and happiness.

Quotes 5

I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings.

Albert EinsteinAlbert Einstein - Theoretical physicist

Spinoza is the absolute philosopher, the absolute affirmation of life and power.

Gilles DeleuzeGilles Deleuze - French philosopher

Spinoza's Ethics is a book of ethics in the grand style, the most potent attempt to teach the art of living.

Friedrich NietzscheFriedrich Nietzsche - German philosopher

Spinoza is my God. He is the only God who is credible and adorable.

George SantayanaGeorge Santayana - Philosopher, essayist

Spinoza's ideas about the body, about the mind, and about how the two interact are extraordinarily modern.

Antonio DamasioAntonio Damasio - Neuroscientist
Albert EinsteinGilles DeleuzeFriedrich NietzscheGeorge SantayanaAntonio Damasio
