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Envisioning Information

126 pages, 1990


This book celebrates escapes from the flatlands of both paper and computer screens, showing superb displays of high-dimensional complex data.

The most design-oriented of Edward Tufte's books, Envisioning Information, shows maps, charts, scientific presentations, diagrams, computer interfaces, statistical graphics and tables, stereo photographs, guidebooks, courtroom exhibits, timetables, use of color, a pop-up, and many other wonderful displays of information.

The book provides practical advice about how to explain complex material by visual means, with extraordinary examples to illustrate the fundamental principles of information displays. Topics include escaping flatland, color and information, micro/macro designs, layering and separation, small multiples, and narratives.

Winner of 17 awards for design and content. 400 illustrations with exquisite 6- to 12-color printing throughout. Highest quality design and production.

The Power of Visual Data

Edward R. Tufte's Envisioning Information explores the importance of visual data in conveying complex information. He emphasizes that well-designed visual representations can simplify complex data and make it easier to understand. So, if you're dealing with complex data, take a look at this book to learn how to present it effectively.

The Art of Layering

In Envisioning Information, Tufte introduces the concept of layering. He suggests that layering and separation can help to clarify, not confuse. This means that by separating information into different layers, you can make it easier for your audience to digest. It's a great technique to explore if you're looking to improve your data presentation skills.

The Importance of Context

Tufte stresses the importance of context in understanding data. Without context, data can be misleading or misunderstood. He encourages readers to always provide context when presenting data. This is a key takeaway for anyone looking to present data in a meaningful and accurate way.

The Role of Aesthetics

Envisioning Information isn't just about data, it's also about aesthetics. Tufte believes that beautiful design can enhance understanding and make information more engaging. So, if you're looking to make your data presentations more appealing, this book is a must-read.

The Danger of Chartjunk

Tufte warns against 'chartjunk' - unnecessary or confusing elements in data visualizations. He argues that these can distract from the data and lead to misunderstanding. If you're looking to present clear, concise data, you'll find his advice invaluable.


Quotes 2

Tufte's work in 'Envisioning Information' is a masterclass in presenting complex data in a clear, concise manner. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to communicate effectively.

Bill GatesBill Gates - Microsoft Co-founder

Tufte's 'Envisioning Information' is a seminal work that has shaped the way we think about data visualization. It's a cornerstone in the field.

Tim Berners-LeeTim Berners-Lee - Invented WWW
Bill GatesTim Berners-Lee


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