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Eat to Live

400 pages, 2011


Dr. Fuhrman's six-week plan is supported by current scientific research, which now includes a brand new chapter addressing Dr. Fuhrman's discoveries of toxic hunger and the role that food addiction plays in weight problems. 

Dr. Fuhrman describes how and why eating the wrong foods causes people to produce poisonous hunger, which leads to food cravings and binge eating, but a diet rich in micronutrients generates real hunger, which reduces the cravings that lead to overeating. He teaches readers how to overcome the discomfort of poisonous hunger, cravings, and harmful food addictions. 

This is a book that will help you live longer, use fewer prescriptions, and radically improve your health.

Nutrient-Dense Foods are Key

In 'Eat to Live', Joel Furhman emphasizes the importance of nutrient-dense foods. He suggests that by filling your plate with fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains, you can achieve better health and longevity. So, next time you're at the grocery store, remember to load up on these nutrient powerhouses!

Say Goodbye to Processed Foods

Furhman makes it clear that processed foods are a big no-no. They're often packed with unhealthy fats, sugars, and artificial ingredients. Instead, he encourages readers to explore the world of whole foods. You'll not only feel better, but your body will thank you in the long run.

The Power of Plant-Based Diets

The book 'Eat to Live' is a great resource if you're considering a plant-based diet. Furhman provides compelling research on the benefits of this lifestyle, from weight loss to disease prevention. So, why not take a look and see if it's right for you?

Portion Control is Not the Answer

Unlike many diet books, 'Eat to Live' doesn't advocate for portion control. Instead, Furhman argues that when you're eating the right foods, you can eat as much as you want. It's a refreshing perspective that might just change the way you think about dieting.

Health is More Than Just Weight Loss

While 'Eat to Live' does discuss weight loss, Furhman reminds us that health is about more than just shedding pounds. He encourages readers to focus on overall wellness, including mental health and disease prevention. It's a holistic approach that can lead to lasting changes.

Quotes 5

Eat to Live is a life-transforming book. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to achieve optimal health and wellness.

Mehmet OzMehmet Oz - TV Personality, Surgeon

Dr. Fuhrman's powerful and practical guidelines apply for conditions ranging from heart disease to diabetes. Eat to Live is a phenomenal resource.

Andrew WeilAndrew Weil - Physician, Author

Eat to Live offers a healthy, effective, and scientifically proven Six-Week Plan for shedding a radical amount of weight quickly.

Neal BarnardNeal Barnard - Physician, Author

Dr. Fuhrman's approach offers individuals suffering from chronic diseases the chance to take control of their health. Eat to Live is a fantastic read.

Dean OrnishDean Ornish - Physician, Researcher

Eat to Live is a comprehensive and valuable guide to eating for health and longevity.

T. Colin CampbellT. Colin Campbell - Biochemist, Author
Mehmet OzAndrew WeilNeal BarnardDean OrnishT. Colin Campbell


Earthling Ed, activist and filmmaker, Recommending BestBooks

Earthling Ed


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