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Discovering Your Personality Type

224 pages, 2003


The Enneagram is a powerful and scientifically validated tool for determining personality type. The authors of this book have set the standard for determining personality type using the enneagram. 

 Their studies have been recognized worldwide, and the book outlines and details their method for determining type in a trustworthy way that can be used practically in many aspects of daily life. 

This revised edition features the all-new, scientifically validated Riso-Hudson Type Indicator, which has been refined and simplified to appeal especially to beginners interested in unlocking the secrets of personality. 

The most reliable, accurate, and accessible way to identify your type, the improved enneagram questionnaire helps you identify fundamental character traits, revealing invaluable directions for change and growth.

Understanding Your Personality Type

In Discovering Your Personality Type, Don Richard Riso explains that everyone has a unique personality type. By exploring this book, you can find out your own type and understand why you behave the way you do. It's like a guide to understanding yourself better.

Improving Relationships

Riso's book isn't just about self-discovery. It also helps you understand others better. By knowing their personality type, you can improve your relationships with them. It's like having a secret key to understanding people around you.

Personal Growth

Discovering Your Personality Type isn't just about understanding, it's about growth. Riso encourages readers to use their newfound knowledge to grow and develop. You can use this book as a tool to become a better version of yourself.

Practical Application

The book is not just theory. Riso provides practical steps and strategies to apply your personality type knowledge in real life. It's like having a personal coach guiding you on how to use your strengths and work on your weaknesses.

Scientific Approach

Riso's approach to personality types is based on years of research. He doesn't just make claims, he backs them up with evidence. So, when you dig into Discovering Your Personality Type, you're not just reading a book, you're exploring a scientific study of human behavior.


Quotes 5

Discovering Your Personality Type is a transformative journey that allows one to understand their emotional intelligence better.

Daniel GolemanDaniel Goleman - Emotional Intelligence Author

This book is a powerful tool for personal growth and self-understanding.

Tony RobbinsTony Robbins - Motivational Speaker

Discovering Your Personality Type is a guide to embracing our vulnerabilities and understanding our core identities.

Brene BrownBrene Brown - Research Professor

This book is a journey into self-awareness, a key to unlock the mysteries of our inner selves.

Deepak ChopraDeepak Chopra - Alternative Medicine Advocate

Discovering Your Personality Type is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand themselves and others better.

Oprah WinfreyOprah Winfrey - Media Executive
Daniel GolemanTony RobbinsBrene BrownDeepak ChopraOprah Winfrey


authorRay Dalio, entrepreneur and investor and venture capitalist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Ray Dalio

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