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Die Empty

240 pages, 2015


By postponing hard work and succumbing to clutter, you jeopardize your personal growth and the potential of your business. Each day you do not commit time to self-improvement, discipline, or innovation will result in a net deficit to the world and your business. 

Die Empty motivates individuals and companies to put off their best work. Todd Henry shows the forces that keep people in stagnation, introduces a three-part process for tapping into your passion, and demonstrates how to find and maintain passion by finding what drives you.

Unleash Your Creativity

In Die Empty, Todd Henry encourages us to tap into our creativity every day. He believes that everyone has unique ideas and talents that should be shared with the world. So, don't hold back, let your creativity flow and make your mark.

Avoid Mediocrity

Henry warns us about the dangers of settling for mediocrity. He suggests that we should always strive for excellence and push ourselves to achieve our best. If you're feeling stuck in a rut, this book will inspire you to break free and reach for greater heights.

Embrace the Journey

Die Empty is not just about the destination, but also the journey. Henry emphasizes the importance of learning and growing along the way. So, don't rush through life, take the time to enjoy the journey and learn from each experience.

Live with Purpose

One of the key messages in Die Empty is the importance of living with purpose. Henry encourages us to find our passion and pursue it with all our heart. This book will help you discover your purpose and guide you on how to live a fulfilling life.

Take Action Now

Henry urges us to take action now and not wait for the perfect moment. He believes that the best time to start is now. So, if you've been procrastinating on your dreams, this book will motivate you to take the first step and keep going until you reach your goals.

Quotes 5

Die Empty is a tool for individuals who aren't willing to put off their best work. Todd Henry brings forth the art of focusing and finishing like no one else.

Seth GodinSeth Godin - Marketing Guru

Todd Henry's illuminating book, Die Empty, will inspire you to put your all into your work every day. It's a must-read.

Daniel PinkDaniel Pink - Bestselling Author

Die Empty is a wake-up call for all who seek to make a mark in their life. Todd Henry's message is clear: don't wait, do your best work today.

Steven PressfieldSteven Pressfield - Historical Novelist

Todd Henry's Die Empty pushes you to your limits. It's a compelling guide to living fully and dying empty.

David AllenDavid Allen - Productivity Consultant

Die Empty is a manifesto for those who seek to make a difference. Todd Henry's book is a roadmap to a fulfilling life.

Tony HsiehTony Hsieh - Zappos CEO
Seth GodinDaniel PinkSteven PressfieldDavid AllenTony Hsieh


authorDavid Kadavy, designer and technology and author, Recommending BestBooks

David Kadavy


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