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Design for a Better World

376 pages, 2023


Although it’s no longer new news, we are destroying the planet at an alarming rate. Our dire predicament has been millennia in the making and can be traced back to our erroneous belief that the earth’s resources are infinite. 

The key to change, says Don Norman in Design for a Better World, is human behavior. The three major themes of Norman’s book—meaning, sustainability, and humanity-centeredness—are meant to emphasize quality of life rather than monetary rewards; restructure how we live to better protect the environment; and focus on all of humanity. In other words, we need to design for a better world.

Design is Everywhere

In Design for a Better World, Don Norman shows us that design is not just about aesthetics or functionality, it's everywhere. From the way we interact with our environment to the systems that govern our societies, everything is designed. So, take a look around you, and you'll start to see design in a whole new light.

Design for People

Don Norman emphasizes the importance of designing for people. He believes that good design should be user-centered, taking into account the needs, wants, and limitations of the end user. So, if you're designing something, always keep the user in mind.

Design Can Change the World

One of the key messages in Design for a Better World is that design has the power to change the world. Through thoughtful and intentional design, we can address some of the world's biggest challenges. So, if you're passionate about making a difference, this book will inspire you to use design as a tool for change.

The Importance of Research in Design

Don Norman stresses the importance of research in the design process. He argues that understanding the context in which a design will be used is crucial to its success. So, if you're a designer, don't skip the research phase. Dig into the details, explore the context, and your design will be all the better for it.

Design is a Process

In Design for a Better World, you'll find that design is not a one-time event, but a process. It involves iteration, testing, and refinement. So, don't be afraid to make mistakes and learn from them. That's all part of the design process.