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Dept. of Speculation

192 pages, 2014


Author Jenny Offill's second novel is a portrait of a marriage. It is also a rumination on the mysteries of intimacy, trust, faith, and knowledge. Offill's heroine referred to in the book as simply the wife once exchanged love letters with her husband postmarked Dept. of Speculation, their code name for all the uncertainty that inheres in life and in the strangely fluid confines of a long relationship. 

In this book, as they confront an array of common catastrophes—a colicky baby, a faltering marriage, stalled ambitions—the wife analyzes her predicament, invoking everything from Keats and Kafka to the thought experiments of the Stoics to the lessons of doomed Russian cosmonauts. She muses on how maternal love consumes everything in its path as she confronts the friction between domestic life and the seductions and demands of art.

Exploring the Complexity of Marriage

Dept. of Speculation by Jenny Offill takes a deep look into the intricacies of marriage. It shows that marriage is not always a fairy tale, but a complex relationship that requires constant work and understanding. It's a great read if you want to explore the realities of married life.

Understanding Mental Health

Offill's book gives us a glimpse into the protagonist's struggle with mental health. It's a reminder that mental health issues can affect anyone, and it's important to seek help when needed. If you're interested in understanding more about mental health, this book is a must-read.

The Power of Perspective

One of the key takeaways from Dept. of Speculation is the power of perspective. The book is written in fragments, reflecting the protagonist's state of mind. This unique storytelling style allows us to see the world from her perspective, making us more empathetic towards her struggles.

The Role of Motherhood

Jenny Offill's book also explores the role of motherhood and its impact on a woman's identity. It shows how becoming a mother can change a woman's life in ways she never expected. If you're a mother or planning to become one, you might find this book relatable and insightful.

The Importance of Communication

Dept. of Speculation emphasizes the importance of communication in maintaining a healthy relationship. It shows how lack of communication can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. So, if you're looking to improve your communication skills, you should definitely check out this book.

Quotes 5

Dept. of Speculation is a rip-roaring, original work of art. Jenny Offill is a master of form and feeling, and she gets life just right in every sentence.

George SaundersGeorge Saunders - American Writer, Professor

Dept. of Speculation is gorgeous, funny, a profound and profoundly moving work of art. Jenny Offill is a vivid, virtuosic writer.

Michael CunninghamMichael Cunningham - Pulitzer Prize Winner

Dept. of Speculation is a shattered novel that stabs and sparkles at the same time. It is the kind of book that you will be quoting over and over to friends, who will then read it and pass it on to their friends. It's that good.

Karen RussellKaren Russell - American Novelist

Dept. of Speculation is a high-wire act, a daredevil performance by a novelist unafraid to crash and burn.

James WoodJames Wood - Literary Critic

Dept. of Speculation is a brainy, humane, unpretentious novel that's actually fun to read.

Rivka GalchenRivka Galchen - Canadian Writer
George SaundersMichael CunninghamKaren RussellJames WoodRivka Galchen
