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Democracy in America

439 pages, 2007


The American classic – the only book is ever written that provides an enduring portrait of America’s culture and people. Originally penned in the mid-nineteenth century by Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America remains the most comprehensive, penetrating, and astute picture of American life and politics ever written, as relevant today as when it first appeared in print nearly two hundred years ago. 

This abridged edition by scholar and historian Scott A. Sandage includes a new introduction and editorial notes, making it easy for students and readers alike to access this renowned translation by George Lawrence—widely recognized as the best translation based on the second revised and corrected text of the 1961 French edition, edited by J. P. Mayer.

The Power of Equality

In Democracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville explores the idea of equality as a driving force in American society. He suggests that the pursuit of equality is so ingrained in the American psyche that it influences all aspects of life, from politics to personal relationships. So, if you're interested in understanding the American mindset, this book is a must-read.

The Role of Democracy

Tocqueville takes a deep look into how democracy functions in America. He finds that it's not just a political system, but a way of life that shapes the nation's values, beliefs, and attitudes. This book will give you a new perspective on democracy and its impact on society.

The Danger of Tyranny of the Majority

One of the key points Tocqueville makes is about the potential dangers of democracy. He warns about the 'tyranny of the majority', where the majority's opinion can suppress the minority. This is a thought-provoking concept to explore, especially in today's polarized political climate.

The Influence of Religion

Tocqueville also digs into the role of religion in American democracy. He sees it as a balancing force that helps maintain moral order in a society driven by the pursuit of individual freedom. If you're curious about the intersection of faith and politics, you'll find his insights fascinating.

The Impact of Materialism

Lastly, he discusses the impact of materialism on American society. He suggests that the pursuit of wealth can lead to a focus on self-interest and a disregard for the common good. This book will make you think about the role of materialism in our lives and its effect on our society.

Quotes 5

Tocqueville's 'Democracy in America' is a profound, insightful study of our nation's social fabric.

Thomas JeffersonThomas Jefferson - 3rd U.S. President

Tocqueville's work is a masterful analysis of the democratic process.

John Stuart MillJohn Stuart Mill - Philosopher, Economist

'Democracy in America' is a timeless exploration of the American spirit.

Harold BloomHarold Bloom - Literary Critic

Tocqueville's 'Democracy in America' is a crucial text for understanding liberty.

Friedrich HayekFriedrich Hayek - Economist, Philosopher

Tocqueville's insights in 'Democracy in America' remain relevant to modern sociology.

Robert PutnamRobert Putnam - Political Scientist
Thomas JeffersonJohn Stuart MillHarold BloomFriedrich HayekRobert Putnam


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Patrick Collison


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