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Death to the Infidels: Radical Islam's War Against the Jews

288 pages, 2014


For more than a century, much of the attention given to the Middle East has focused on the Arab-Israeli conflict. The rise of Hamas has transformed the nature of this conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. According to Bard, Hamas sees this dispute not as a division of Palestine but rather about Jews ruling over Muslims and their presence on Islamic land.

 However, this Islamic-Jewish conflict is not confined to just one region of the world: Muslim terrorist attacks have been directed toward Jews all around Europe, Asia and Latin America. Radical Muslims in European countries are becoming more brazen, particularly in France where Muslims constitute nearly ten percent of the population. This past year alone there were several Muslim attacks on Jews throughout France."

Understanding Radical Islam's War

Mitchell G. Bard's book, Death to the Infidels, provides a deep insight into the war waged by radical Islam against Jews. It's a great resource if you want to explore the historical and contemporary aspects of this conflict.

The Role of Anti-Semitism

Bard highlights the role of anti-Semitism in fueling the conflict. He shows how deep-seated hatred and prejudice against Jews have been manipulated by radical Islamists to justify violence. It's a sobering look into the power of hate.

The Impact of Propaganda

The book also delves into the role of propaganda in this war. Bard shows how misinformation and manipulation of facts have been used to incite violence and hatred. It's a wake-up call to always check and verify information before accepting it as truth.

The Global Implications

Bard doesn't just focus on the Middle East. He also explores the global implications of this conflict, showing how it affects not just Jews and Muslims, but everyone. It's a reminder that we're all interconnected in this world.

The Need for a Solution

Finally, Bard emphasizes the need for a solution to this conflict. He argues that peace can only be achieved through understanding and dialogue, not violence. It's a call to action for everyone to play their part in promoting peace and understanding.
