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Da Vinci's Ghost
328 pages, 2012
In Da Vinci's Ghost, acclaimed historian Toby Lester chronicles the creation of one of history's most famous images--the Vitruvian Man--and reveals the surprising new light it sheds on the artistry and scholarship of Leonardo da Vinci, one of history's most fascinating figures.
Da Vinci’s Ghost was a luxuriant chronicle of a pivotal time in Western history when it seemed possible that a single human being might embody and even understand the nature of the universe.
The book captures Da Vinci’s journey to understand the Vitruvian Man's secrets. It follows Da Vinci on his intellectual expedition through Europe during the late fifteenth century, as he discovered and synthesized the new ideas about science and art rapidly converging at that time.
In Da Vinci's Ghost, Toby Lester explores the origin of Leonardo da Vinci's iconic drawing, the Vitruvian Man. He reveals that the drawing was not just a random sketch, but a culmination of da Vinci's lifelong research into the human body, architecture, and the nature of the universe.
Lester shows us how da Vinci's multidisciplinary approach to learning and understanding the world around him led to his groundbreaking discoveries. This encourages us to break down the silos in our own learning and see the connections between different fields of knowledge.
The book also highlights the influence of ancient thinkers on da Vinci's work. Lester digs into how da Vinci was inspired by the works of Vitruvius, an ancient Roman architect, and how this inspiration led to the creation of the Vitruvian Man.
Lester emphasizes da Vinci's insatiable curiosity and relentless pursuit of knowledge. This serves as a reminder for us to stay curious, ask questions, and never stop learning, just like da Vinci.
In Da Vinci's Ghost, we see how da Vinci blurred the lines between art and science. He believed that the two were interconnected and that understanding one could enhance the understanding of the other. This encourages us to look at the world from different perspectives and find the beauty in everything.