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Creating Money
288 pages, 2007
This step-by-step guide to creating money and abundance was given to Sanaya and Duane by their principles, Orin and DaBen.
These wise spirit teachers have successfully helped thousands of people to manifest prosperity, find their life's work, and fulfill their life purpose.
This book is infused with Orin and DaBen's consciousness of abundance available to you as you read to increase your ability to create money and abundance.
You can see immediate results in your life when you learn to create abundance by following the spiritual laws of money and abundance. Section I, Creating Money, is a step-by-step guide to using powerful techniques that work to draw to yourself all that you desire that is for your higher good.
You will practice creating what you want using energy, thought, and magnetism, and linking with your soul and Higher Will, to produce results beyond anything you can create with physical effort alone.
You will discover what you want and then draw things and situations to you that will fulfill and satisfy you and that is even better than what you ask for.
Sanaya Roman explains that money is a form of energy and our thoughts and feelings about it can either attract or repel it. If you want to attract more money, you need to change your mindset and start seeing money as a positive energy.
In Creating Money, the author emphasizes the power of visualization. He suggests that if you can see yourself achieving your financial goals in your mind's eye, you're more likely to make them a reality. So, start visualizing your financial success today!
Sanaya Roman encourages readers to understand that they have the power to create their own reality. If you're not happy with your current financial situation, it's up to you to change it. You have the power to create the financial reality you desire.
The book explores the importance of positive affirmations in attracting wealth. By regularly affirming that you are wealthy and deserving of abundance, you can change your mindset and attract more money into your life. Give it a try and see the difference it can make.
One of the key takeaways from Creating Money is the importance of following your joy. Sanaya Roman believes that when you do what you love, money will naturally follow. So, find what makes you happy and turn it into a money-making venture.
Quotes 5
Creating Money by Sanaya Roman is a transformative guide that enlightens the reader on the path to abundance. It's a must-read for anyone seeking to improve their financial situation.

Sanaya Roman's Creating Money is a powerful tool for anyone who desires to change their financial reality. It's a life-changing book that everyone should read.

Creating Money by Sanaya Roman is a game-changer. It provides practical and spiritual guidance to manifest wealth and abundance in your life.

Creating Money is a profound book that teaches you how to tap into the universal flow of abundance. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to create wealth in their life.

Sanaya Roman's Creating Money is a powerful guide that teaches you how to manifest abundance in your life. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to improve their financial situation.

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