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Conversations with God-Book 4: Awaken the Species

288 pages, 2019


A striking invitation to every reader sets the stage for the extraordinary explorations that follow. Picking up where Book 3 in the Conversations with God Trilogy series left off, the revelations about Highly Evolved Beings and about how ordinary humans can answer the call to help awaken the species on Earth will breathtakingly expand your view of both your personal and your collective future.

Understanding the Divine

In 'Conversations with God-Book 4: Awaken the Species', Neale Donald Walsch invites us to explore the concept of God not as a separate entity, but as an integral part of ourselves. He suggests that we are all divine beings, capable of creating our own reality.

The Power of Love

Walsch emphasizes the importance of love in our lives. He encourages us to look into the power of unconditional love, not just for others, but also for ourselves. This love, he suggests, can transform our lives and awaken our true potential.

The Journey of Self-Discovery

The book encourages us to embark on a journey of self-discovery. It's about digging deep into our inner selves, questioning our beliefs, and finding our true purpose. It's a call to awaken the species within us, to become more conscious and aware.

The Role of Fear

Walsch takes a look at the role of fear in our lives. He suggests that fear is not something to be avoided, but rather, something to be understood and overcome. By doing so, we can free ourselves from limitations and live a more fulfilling life.

The Importance of Communication

In 'Conversations with God-Book 4: Awaken the Species', communication is highlighted as a key aspect of our lives. Walsch encourages us to communicate openly and honestly, not just with others, but also with ourselves. This, he believes, can lead to greater understanding and personal growth.