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Conversations with God-Book 2
328 pages, 2020
There are many questions that people want to ask about spirituality, the universe and life's meaning. Many books have been written about these topics, but none with the authenticity and clarity of Conversations with God. In this trilogy, Neale Donald Walsch has created a set of enlightening dialogues between him and God―a personal conversation in which each question is answered forthrightly and honestly.
In the introduction to Conversations with God, Book 1, author Neale Donald Walsch was told that Book 2 would deal with issues affecting humanity as a whole. This is a book that looks at the big picture. What is here is a proposed paradigm shift to change the political and spiritual constructs that people have manifested on this planet.
In 'Conversations with God-Book 2', Neale Donald Walsch presents a unique perspective on God. He suggests that God is not an entity to be feared, but a friend and guide. This book encourages you to explore your relationship with God, not as a distant figure, but as a close companion.
Walsch emphasizes the importance of asking questions. He believes that through questioning, we can gain deeper insights and understanding. So, don't be afraid to ask questions, whether they're about life, spirituality, or your personal journey. It's a great way to dig deeper into your beliefs and values.
The book explores the idea that all emotions stem from either love or fear. Walsch suggests that by choosing love over fear, we can lead happier and more fulfilling lives. It's a powerful concept that can change the way you see your emotions and reactions.
Walsch encourages readers to find their true selves. He believes that self-realization is the key to living a fulfilling life. So, take a look into your inner self, understand your desires and fears, and embrace who you truly are.
In 'Conversations with God-Book 2', the author challenges traditional views of time and space. He suggests that these are not linear or fixed, but flexible and subjective. This concept can change the way you perceive your life and the world around you.